

1. School is not responsible for any student's loss of property. Students shall be responsible for the safety of their own books and belongings etc.
2. All books and exercise books must be covered with brown paper.
3. Home work must be done regularly.
4. Students must bring with them a Tiffin box, water bottle with a clean napkin. School staff will neither receive nor deliver the Tiffin to the students during School hours.
5. Students should not bring money.
6. No jewellery is to be worn; no make-up of any kind or mehndi is to be used. Nails are to be kept short and clean without nail polish. 7. An application must be sent to the Principal for student's absence.
8. Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the School of any change in address or telephone number and endorse it in the Student's Diary.
9. Every student should attend the School in neat and proper uniform.
10 Parents/Guardians/Servants should be on time to take the children home. The School is not responsible for any child after working hours.
11. Students should help in keeping the class rooms and campus clean.
12. Parents are requested to co-operate with the authorities to ensure discipline and smooth functioning of the School.
13. Discipline is the key-note of the School. The verdict of the Principal will be final in all matters related to academic activities.

@copyright 2018 Taha School