Donation & Sponsership

Taha School is an unaided English medium school established in 2018-19 in Lucknow, India.

TAHA School is an educational institution that believes in providing education by paying attention on the upbringing of the students along with inculcating right values in them.

This educational centre believes in overall development of the children.

It provides an ideal blend of activity based and novel learning techniques so as to impart quality education to the children.

We believe in moulding the hidden talents and qualities of our children so that they can face challenges in future with confidence.

Our Educational Programs place significant emphasis on:
•   Attainment of academic excellence
•   Development of students' confidence, initiative and independence.
•   Development of the skills needed for lifelong learning.

Taha School is providing best modern education with lowest fee structure as it is focusing on underprivileged children particularly. Maintaining high educational standard needs a lot of resources and financial backup. On the other hand, middle or lower middle class cannot afford expensive education model.

So join us in this noble cause and help us promote education even among the lowest class of the society.

One year expenses on one student: Rs. 15, 000 approx.

Through Zakat, Khums, Sadaqah, general donation.

@copyright 2018 Taha School