Parental Co-operation

Parental Co-operation

1. In order to tap the best in the child, maximum co-operation between parents and School authorities is desired. Parents are earnestly requested to see and sign their ward's diary every day and ensure that the lessons and the home-work assigned for the next day is done.

2. The students should be encouraged to cultivate neatness. Remarks in the diary should be seen, signed ad acted upon.

3. If the student does not make the desired progress, parents should contact the Principal. Private tuition by our staff members is NOT permitted.

4. Criticism of teachers or School in the presence of Students is unethical and the parents should refrain themselves from doing so.

5. The parents are welcome to meet the Principal and the teachers (through the Principal) to discuss matters relating to their ward during the visiting hours or on day/s fixed for teacher-parent meeting which will be intimated in writing well in advance.

6. Parents are not allowed to go inside the classes/staff-rooms.

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